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WebsiteSurvey: View Response #28,036

Quick Launch

Do you like the colors and fonts of the website?


Do you like the logo of the project?


Do you like the layout of the website?


Do you think the website gives enough information about the project?


Do you think the website gives enough information about the partners and teams of the project?


Do you think the website gives enough information about the activities, events and news of the project?


Do you think the intranet of the website is adquate?


Do you like the layout of the contact us page?


Do you think it's preferable to have special facebook, twitter, youtube,  g+ special pages for the project?


Please add any further comments.

The CGEIT is an international certification for IT administration specialists. It focuses on key expertise areas associated with the Governance of Enterprise and elderly administration of organizations. The certification calls for the holder to have a detailed expertise of all hardware, software application, interconnected systems, as well as subsystems. Various other core proficiencies needed by the CGEIT certification consist of benefits awareness, danger optimization, and organizational structures. The very first domain name of the test covers the concepts and demands for developing an efficient governance framework, along with the abilities and also proficiencies needed to construct a detailed venture IT governance program.

Created at 2/3/2022 5:37 PM by  
Last modified at 2/3/2022 5:37 PM by